How To Make Your First
$10k/Month With Your

Personal Brand

beamly accelerator is an innovative approach that leverages your personal brand to land your ideal clients and give you a life of freedom. Our approach is focused on building and elevating YOU in YOUR niche to achieve financial freedom and successful future.  

Our Systemized Approach

The future of online business success starts by building a powerful personal brand. Stop chasing and start attracting. Elevate your business, connect with high-level networks, and scale your income.


Boosting Self-Image & Authority

The psychology of a winner and a leader are critical to dominating with you personal brand. rewire your mind in a few actionable steps.

Developing New Habits & Overcoming Procrastination

Becoming aware of your habits is the first step, next is to be conscious of your decisions and pursue the energy of excellence.

Fostering Self-Awareness & Goal-Setting Efficiency

This is a step by step process of self actualization to bring you to a new level of consciousness and systemize your goal setting process.


Define identity/reputation & select niche

Jump into the brand you are meant to become by pursuing your strengths and existing achievements.

Analyze competitors & strategize marketing

See what your niche competitors are already doing that’s working and synthesize a creative approach to the marketplace.

Overcome limiting beliefs & value attention types

Whether you are a beginner or a 7 figure business owner, we all have limiting beliefs. being aware of your beliefs & remodeling them is crucial to your success.

Explore monetization strategies & secure first sale

A fool proof way to get your first sale with your personal brand while building testimonials to create a flywheel of new customer acquisition.


Avoiding Frauds in Dubai Lifestyles

This is how to avoid being “that guy” people don’t respect and know you’re not who you say you are.

Tone and Communication Strategies

Learning how to communicate your message to garner attention and speak like a leader

Effective Methods for Engaging with Creators

Your current strategy trying to connect with other creators is flawed, this is where you’ll learn how I’ve contacted big influencersAnalyzing high-conversion funnels 2.0 - breaking down 7 figure funnels and understanding why they convert

Maintaining Consistent Posting Schedule

Best strategies to post and attract your ideal customer profile

Phase FOUR

Objectives of long-form vs. short-form content & attention capture strategies

The purpose of each content style is drastically different and serve a different purpose that is crucial to learn.

Cultivating a dedicated fanbase & implementing paid advertising strategies

Fine tuning your content to see what works and igniting your growth with paid ads

Using beamly for paid growth tactics

Attract new followers and inbound leads  without you doing anything manually

Experimenting with content to boost sales conversions

If something isn’t working, it’s time to switch it up. this is where to start changing certain variables in your content to convert better.


Creating a compelling offer

Without a solid offer that would be stupid to say no to, selling your product or service will be much more difficult.

Fine-tuning your message delivery

Reframing your offer can be the difference between making 0 sales and making 50 sales.

Analyzing high-conversion funnels 2.0

Conversion funnels 2.0 - breaking down 7 figure funnels and understanding why they convert

Identifying the most effective calls to action

Depending on your offer and niche, your CTA will be slightly different, it’s best to see what is the highest converting for your specifically.


Short-form and long-form content editors

Access my network of the best LF and SF editors that work with big personal brands and know how to edit content that’s engaging

Recruiting appointment setters and sales closers

Outsourcing as you scale is crucial to free up your time, access my network of setters and closers that are prequalified and trained for you specific offer

Enhancing your team's effectiveness to increase sales conversions

The best practices to keep your team dialed and driven to improve and be consistent to keep the well oiled machine of your persona brand thriving

Make Your Brand Your
Strongest Asset


Accelerate Now

Our Client Testimonials


"You gave me so much free value, that I was able to watch your content and close clients as if I'd been doing it for years. With the advice you've given me, I've not only been able to apply in business, but also in my personal life and life in general."

Christian Barton

"You're one of the first ones that told me to get into personal branding. I think it's a beautiful thing that you're new offer is focused on personal branding. I would highly recommend Frank because he is still growing in the space and has a personal touch, unlike some of these guys that have a lot of follower. Getting direct responses and immediate feedback and immediate calls is what has propelled me forward.

Tyler Brannon

Stop Chasing, Start Attracting

Let's bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be

Accelerate Now

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this the beamly Accelerator program unique?

Our program is uniquely designed to not only enhance your personal brand but also to equip you with cutting-edge strategies for content creation, niche mastery, and advanced monetization. It focuses on practical, actionable insights that you can apply immediately to see tangible improvements in your online presence and business growth.

Can I enroll in the program if I'm new to personal branding?

Absolutely! This program caters to both beginners and those with some experience in personal branding. We cover foundational elements in the early phases before moving on to more advanced strategies, ensuring a comprehensive understanding regardless of your starting point.

How long does it take to complete the program?

The program is self-paced, allowing you to move through the six phases at your own comfort level. However, most participants complete the program in approximately 2-4 weeks, dedicating a few hours each week to learning and implementing the strategies.

What kind of support can I expect throughout the program?

Participants receive support through a dedicated online community. Our support system is designed to answer your questions, provide guidance, and help you overcome any challenges you encounter.

Is there a guarantee that I will see results if I complete the program?

While individual results can vary, we've designed our program based on proven strategies and principles that have helped many of our participants significantly improve their online presence, attract high-paying clients, and grow their businesses. We also offer ongoing support and resources to help you implement what you've learned effectively.